Airport and Digital Out of Home
We’ve worked for many years in this sector, building up knowledge of the best places to site information screens whether FIDs, wayfinding or marketing displays, so that they are easily viewed to maximise interest.

- Consultation – share our knowledge of solutions we have provided in similar environments – we’ve worked at the following airports: Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Cork, Liverpool, London Gatwick, London City, London Luton, Shannon.
- Project management – stand-alone projects or working under the main contractor, we have 100% record of delivering on-schedule and on budget. References from recent work can be provided on request.
- Working on complex sites – we understand that flexibility may be required and we are used to accommodating other trades in order to reach our objectives.
- Proven turnkey systems using Digital Signage for Flight information and all other passenger information or for marketing purposes
- Support package tailored to your own requirements, can include telephone support, on-site assistance, system and equipment audit, extended warranty.
There are many options for displays as different technologies, sizes, styles suit different applications. We have experiences to share which can help you decide on the best products for all indoor and outdoor signage, information kiosks and help points.
Digital Signage is increasing its appeal for existing users and finding new markets in different sectors and applications. As a consequence, solutions are developing and new products and technologies are evolving. We can talk you through the pros and cons of System on Chip (SOC), dedicated signage players, 4k and how you might combine all three!
There’s more information about products on our Technology page.
Control Rooms
Operations centres, Emergency Operation Centres, Media Rooms, Silver Command Centres, Airport Fire Centres, Multi-Agency Control Centres (MACC) – all types of Control Rooms which need to be able to monitor key live data. Video walls are a good solution as they can show CCTV, Airport Radar, Ground Radar, Flight Information and other essential data simultaneously and allow these applications to be expanded for a closer look. Touch tables are also used for those times requiring greater interactivity between key personnel.
We have a wealth of experience from the airport industry where we have upgraded facilities as well as installed completely new facilities.
Interactive Wayfinding Solutions
Digital solutions for wayfinding have increased hugely over the past few years with touch screens being available in larger sizes and costs reducing as the usage grows. SPC Group offer a range of standard solutions incorporating a touch screen into a totem or kiosk but also offer bespoke solutions. These can be powder coat finished to blend in with a clients branding, have graphics applied and the controlling software can be developed to meet a clients exact needs.

As well as being used to show maps for customers wayfinding these solutions can provide additional information. This could be in the ability to scan a boarding card with the system linked to an Airports FID data, show real time passenger information such as train or bus timetables, give updates on weather, traffic and news, and to generate revenues through advertising.
Additions such as cameras for face to face communication or merely proximity sensing can be included as can the ability to transfer information to a mobile device. Menus for food outlets can be displayed with links to a restaurants data hub and QR codes displayed for additional retail information sent to a personal device.
SPC Group have installed many wayfinding units and can arrange for potential customers to view and use these solutions as a demonstration of what can be achieved. Monitoring of devices can be part of an ongoing contract using, for example, google analytics to monitor the traffic on a site thereby gaining an understanding of the usage and effectiveness of the system.
Meeting and Conference Rooms

From simple huddle areas to fully-equipped boardrooms, we all understand the value of meetings with colleagues, suppliers and customers. The ability to connect with a remote site, both aurally and visually, is just the start; more complex requirements include connecting to multiple sites, to mobile clients, data sharing and collaboration, real time messaging, unified communications.
- Consultation – share our knowledge of solutions we have provided in similar environments when working with large corporations, SME’s and micro businesses, enabling their connections with colleagues, suppliers and customers.
- Save money by upgrading your old system. We’ll design your av system to include existing equipment if feasible.
- Project management – stand-alone projects or working under the main contractor, we have a 100% record of delivering on-schedule and on budget.
- Support package tailored to your own requirements, can include telephone support, on-site assistance, system and equipment audit, extended warranty.
There are options on how to operate video conferencing. The latest cloud-based services offer considerable benefits to smaller companies and those just starting to get into video as they have a lower up-front cost, offer scalability and do not require much in-house technical support. Operating video conferencing over your network requires greater initial outlay and competent in-house technical support. It provides greater control and security but less flexibility than cloud-based options. Adding a control system is a popular choice as these allow the operation of all technical devices in the room through one user interface. These save time and inconvenience, just one system to learn rather than many, they can be Wifi, Bluetooth, wireless or wired. We are here to help de-mystify the high tech talk and buzz words surround meeting room technology so that you understand what’s available and can decide what you really need. If possible, we will arrange product demonstrations at your site. SPC Group provide training for users of the system as part of our handover on project completion.
Education and Learning
The digital age has been enthusiastically embraced by the education sector over the last two decades. Interactive technology in the classroom is widespread as it engages pupils, allowing them to collaborate with each other, making learning fun. As the use of digital technology is ubiquitous in the workplace students are also equipping themselves with 21st century skills fit for their working lives.
SPC Group supplies, installs and supports interactive whiteboards and screens, keeping up-to-date with technical training and trends for all leading brands.
Digital Signage is increasingly popular in the education sector as a simple and quick way to update on campus information for students, teachers and parents. SPC Group will advise the best products for your requirements and train you to get the best from the system so that latest news and information is scheduled to the right display at the right time, every time. We can either add to an existing network or start afresh to design and build a cost-effective, easy to use digital signage system for you school or college.
Typically used in sports halls and lecture halls the large screen sizes ensure even those at the very back of the room get a good view. Combined with an audio system this can provide a simple solution for assemblies, drama classes, lectures, open days and other large events.
SPC Group can design a complete audio visual system to suit your needs, always working to your budgets and timescales. Our experience ranges from a small portable projection solutions through to double stacked projection systems giving 320 sq ft images at concert venues.